29 January 2018
29 January 2018,

content marketing

Does your business have a clear vision carved out, and does your content reflect that vision? Having a distinct voice makes your content stand out, which is especially important in today’s climate. Consumers now prefer branded content over ads, but that content must also provide value and information. Gone are the days of creating content just to have it – consumers are more selective than ever before with the types of media they consume. Be sure to work with your content manager to ensure your brand’s voice comes through in your content marketing efforts.

Define your brand voice. A distinctive, unwavering brand voice is an essential component of successful content marketing. While you may have a very clear idea of your brand’s voice, ask yourself, is everyone else at your company on board with this voice, too? Brands, like people, need to prioritize certain traits, to build a reputation. Scattered messaging and inconsistent brand voice can confuse your audience.


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